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Cheapest Netflix countries to watch

Is Netflix in your country good value?

To gather this data, we’ve taken a look at several different factors.

First, we looked at the figures based on the number of TV shows and movies available in 77 countries (according to the most up-to-date figures from uNoGS, or where data wasn’t available, We then divided the total number of titles available by the monthly subscription price to establish each country’s cost per title per month. For the standard and premium plans, we also factored in the number of users for each account (2 and 4, respectively), multiplying the library total by this to give the number of titles available to all users.

Second, we evaluated the costs per month in each country and how these shape up against others (based on current exchange rates at the time of writing).

Cheapest Netflix countries to watch

American customers may have the largest choice of titles on Netflix but they don’t get the best value for money. Our study shows a massive disparity when cost per title is analyzed between different countries. Due to the cheap price and number of titles available, Colombia and India are actually the most cost-effective countries to watch Netflix in.

Furthermore, the more UK and US customers pay for plans, the less cost-effective they seem to be, even when you consider the higher number of users for each account. The UK drops out of the top 10 when it comes to its premium plans, while the US plummets from 13th place to 18th place when you upgrade from basic to premium.

TIP – How to access different Netflix catalogues: You can access Netflix catalogues from different countries but will need a VPN to do so. However, not all VPNs work with all Netflix country catalogues. We recently tested 59 different VPNs with 30 different country catalogues so be sure to pick a VPN that works with the Netflix country version you want access to. You can see our list of recommended Netflix VPN services here.

Top 10 places where Netflix is good value for money

When it comes to value for money, Colombia and India win hands down on cost-per-title value across all three plans (with the Philippines also featuring in the top 2 for premium plans).

However, the real sense of injustice comes when you look at a country like Denmark which has a significantly smaller Netflix library. Despite only having a total library size of 3,525, the Danish plans are in the bottom two for all three plans when it comes to cost-effectiveness. This means Danish customers pay nearly 100% more per title compared to Colombians for their basic plans and around 90% more than Indians for their standard and premium plans.

Furthermore, the average cost of a title (worldwide) is $0.00202 for basic, $0.00134 for standard, and $0.00085 for premium. This means the average customer worldwide pays over 55% more per title for a basic plan than Colombians, and around 50 % more per title for standard and premium plans than Indians. Danish customers are paying around 50% more than average for all their plans.

Shouldn’t you pay less to watch less?

The top 10 most cost-effective countries for basic plans

Country No. of TV Shows No. of Movies Total Library Size Cost Per Month – Basic (Local) Cost Per Month – Basic ($) Cost Per Month – Basic (£) Cost Per Title – Basic ($) Cost Per Title – Basic (£)
Colombia 1350 2932 4282 COP 16,900 $4.90 £4.04 $0.00114 £0.00094
India 1810 3781 5591 INR 499 $7.05 £5.82 $0.00126 £0.00104
Australia 1734 3615 5349 AUD 9.99 $6.79 £5.59 $0.00127 £0.00105
United Kingdom 1842 3831 5673 GBP 5.99 $7.27 £5.99 $0.00128 £0.00106
Canada 1687 4043 5730 CAD 9.99 $7.51 £6.20 $0.00131 £0.00108
Brazil 1315 2893 4208 BRL 21.90 $5.54 £4.56 $0.00132 £0.00108
South Africa 1709 3278 4987 ZAR 99 $6.57 £5.41 $0.00132 £0.00108
Philippines 1542 3371 4913 PHP 370 $7.11 £5.86 $0.00145 £0.00119
Japan 1547 3518 5065 JPY 800 $7.53 £6.22 $0.00149 £0.00123
Chile 1351 2930 4281 CPL 4,590 $6.44 £5.32 $0.00150 £0.00124

The top 10 most cost-effective countries for standard plans

Country No. of TV Shows No. of Movies Total Library Size Cost Per Month – Standard (Local) Cost Per Month – Standard ($) Cost Per Month – Standard (£) Cost Per Title – Standard ($) Cost Per Title – Standard (£)
India 1810 3781 5591 INR 649 $9.17 £7.57 $0.00082 £0.00068
Colombia 1350 2932 4282 COP 24,900 $7.21 £5.95 $0.00084 £0.00069
Australia 1734 3615 5349 AUD 13.99 $9.50 £7.82 $0.00089 £0.00073
Philippines 1542 3371 4913 PHP 460 $8.84 £7.29 $0.00090 £0.00074
Canada 1687 4043 5730 CAD 13.99 $10.52 £8.68 $0.00092 £0.00076
South Africa 1709 3278 4987 ZAR 139 $9.22 £7.60 $0.00092 £0.00076
Bangladesh 1731 3549 5280 USD 9.99 $9.99 £8.22 $0.00095 £0.00078
United Kingdom 1842 3831 5673 GBP 8.99 $10.91 £8.99 $0.00096 £0.00079
Chile 1351 2930 4281 CPL 5,990 $8.41 £6.94 $0.00098 £0.00081
Nepal 1511 3555 5066 USD 9.99 $9.99 £8.22 $0.00099 £0.00081

The top 10 most cost-effective countries for premium plans

Country No. of TV Shows No. of Movies Total Library Size Cost Per Month – Premium (Local) Cost Per Month – Premium ($) Cost Per Month – Premium (£) Cost Per Title – Premium ($) Cost Per Title – Premium (£)
India 1810 3781 5591 INR 799 $11.29 £9.32 $0.00050 £0.00042
Philippines 1542 3371 4913 PHP 550 $10.57 £8.72 $0.00054 £0.00044
Colombia 1350 2932 4282 COP 32,900 $9.53 £7.87 $0.00056 £0.00046
Canada 1687 4043 5730 CAD 16.99 $12.78 £10.54 $0.00056 £0.00046
South Africa 1709 3278 4987 ZAR 169 $11.21 £9.24 $0.00056 £0.00046
Bangladesh 1731 3549 5280 USD 11.99 $11.99 £9.87 $0.00057 £0.00047
Australia 1734 3615 5349 AUD 17.99 $12.22 £10.06 $0.00057 £0.00047
Nepal 1511 3555 5066 USD 11.99 $11.99 £9.87 $0.00059 £0.00049
Malaysia 1511 3387 4898 RM 51 $12.17 £10.05 $0.00062 £0.00051
Zimbabwe 1480 3308 4788 USD 11.99 $11.99 £9.87 $0.00063

Europeans get more for their money from higher-tier plans

In our previous comparisons of the basic plans, we found that there was a distinct difference between what European countries pay and what non-European countries pay. When it comes to basic plans, European countries are almost always paying more than the rest of the world – something you can see highlighted in the below chart. However, as Europeans upgrade their plans, this disparity starts to disappear, meaning those in the Eurozone tend to get more value for their money from standard and premium plans.

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The 10 places where Netflix isn’t good value for money

As we’ve already mentioned, Danish customers are getting a pretty raw deal when it comes to all of their plans – but they’re not the only ones.

Making up the bottom 10 across all three plans are predominantly countries in the Middle East or Europe. Despite their significantly lower library sizes (some are less than half the size of the US’s library), most of these customers are still paying an average fee for their Netflix subscriptions (or a premium price if you’re Danish or Swiss).

The 10 least cost-effective countries for basic plans

Country No. of TV Shows No. of Movies Total Library Size Cost Per Month – Basic (Local) Cost Per Month – Basic ($) Cost Per Month – Basic (£) Cost Per Title – Basic ($) Cost Per Title – Basic (£)
Iran 586 1715 2301 USD 7.99 $7.99 £6.58 $0.00347 £0.00286
Denmark 1063 2462 3525 DKK 79 $11.84 £9.79 $0.00336 £0.00278
Egypt 889 1605 2494 USD 7.99 $7.99 £6.58 $0.00320 £0.00264
Norway 766 2437 3203 NOK 89 $9.95 £8.21 $0.00311 £0.00256
Qatar 727 1931 2658 USD 7.99 $7.99 £6.58 $0.00301 £0.00248
Iraq 724 1967 2691 USD 7.99 $7.99 £6.58 $0.00297 £0.00245
Algeria 772 1996 2768 USD 7.99 $7.99 £6.58 $0.00289 £0.00238
Jordan 778 2020 2798 USD 7.99 $7.99 £6.58 $0.00286 £0.00235
Lebanon 864 1938 2802 USD 7.99 $7.99 £6.58 $0.00285 £0.00235
Portugal 1079 2063 3142 EUR 7.99 $8.94 £7.36 $0.00285 £0.00234

The 10 least cost-effective countries for standard plans

Country No. of TV Shows No. of Movies Total Library Size Cost Per Month – Standard (Local) Cost Per Month – Standard ($) Cost Per Month – Standard (£) Cost Per Title – Standard ($) Cost Per Title – Standard (£)
Iran 586 1715 2301 USD 9.99 $9.99 £8.22 $0.00217 £0.00179
Denmark 1063 2462 3525 DKK 99 $14.84 £12.26 $0.00210 £0.00174
Finland 992 2357 3349 EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 $0.00200 £0.00165
Egypt 889 1605 2494 USD 9.99 $9.99 £8.22 $0.00200 £0.00165
Portugal 1079 2063 3142 EUR 10.99 $12.30 £10.14 $0.00196 £0.00161
Spain 1163 2359 3522 EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 $0.00191 £0.00157
Italy 1074 2452 3526 EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 $0.00190 £0.00157
Norway 766 2437 3203 NOK 109 $12.18 £10.06 $0.00190 £0.00157
Saudi Arabia 779 1966 2745 SAR 39 $10.40 £8.58 $0.00189 £0.00156
Switzerland 1484 3109 4593 CHF 16.90 $17.29 £14.26 $0.00188 £0.00155

The 10 least cost-effective countries for premium plans

Country No. of TV Shows No. of Movies Total Library Size Cost Per Month – Premium (Local) Cost Per Month – Premium ($) Cost Per Month – Premium (£) Cost Per Title – Premium ($) Cost Per Title – Premium (£)
Qatar 727 1931 2658 USD 14.99 $14.99 £12.34 $0.00141 £0.00116
Denmark 1063 2462 3525 DKK 129 $19.33 £15.98 $0.00137 £0.00113
Saudi Arabia 779 1966 2745 SAR 56 $14.93 £12.31 $0.00136 £0.00112
Finland 992 2357 3349 EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 $0.00134 £0.0011
United Arab Emirates 886 2020 2906 AED 56 $15.25 £12.58 $0.00131 £0.00108
Iran 586 1715 2301 USD 11.99 $11.99 £9.87 $0.00130 £0.00107
Spain 1163 2359 3522 EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 $0.00127 £0.00105
Italy 1074 2452 3526 EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 $0.00127 £0.00104
Portugal 1079 2063 3142 EUR 13.99 $15.65 £12.91 $0.00125 £0.00103
Switzerland 1484 3109 4593 CHF 21.90 $22.40 £18.48 $0.00122 £0.00101

Top 10 cheapest places to get Netflix

When comparing the cost per month of Netflix around the world, the cheapest place to watch Netflix is Colombia – across all three plans. At a cost per month of $4.90 (£4.04), $7.21 (£5.95), or $9.53 (£7.87) for basic, standard, or premium plans, respectively, it’s 60 percent cheaper than basic or standard subscription plans in the US, 50 percent cheaper than a premium subscription in the US, and around 40 percent cheaper than all the UK’s plans.

In fact, on a cost-per-month basis, the US and UK don’t fare too well. The US finds itself in the bottom 10 for its basic plan price, ranks 14th most expensive for its standard plans, and 15th for its premium. Furthermore, despite the UK featuring in the top 10 cheapest places for basic subscriptions, the recent price hike across its standard and premium plans means it falls dramatically through the rankings (37th and 47th cheapest place, respectively).

With the average cost per month being $8.34 (£6.87) for basic plans, $11.14 (£9.18) for standard, and $14.15 (£11.67) for premium, the US is 7, 15, or 12 % more expensive, respectively. In contrast, the UK is nearly 14 % cheaper for its basic plan and 2 % cheaper for its standard, but it is 2 % more expensive for its premium plan.

How expensive is Netflix relative to average income?

We’ve analyzed the monthly cost of Netflix in the top 10 cheapest areas relative to the average monthly income in a country to determine where Netflix may “feel” more expensive.

The 10 cheapest places for basic plans

Country Cost Per Month – Basic (Local) Cost Per Month – Basic ($) Cost Per Month – Basic (£) Comparison to Average Average Person’s Wages Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to Average Person’s Income Country’s GDP per Capita Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to GDP per Capita
Colombia COP 16,900 $4.90 £4.04 51% cheaper $5,830 1.01% $6,301 0.93%
Brazil BRL 21.90 $5.54 £4.56 40% cheaper $8,850 0.75% $9,821 0.68%
Chile CPL 4,590 $6.44 £5.32 25% cheaper $25,879 0.30% $15,346 0.50%
South Africa ZAR 99 $6.57 £5.41 24% cheaper $5,430 1.45% $6,161 1.28%
Mexico MXN 129 $6.58 £5.44 23.5% cheaper $15,314 0.52% $8,902 0.89%
Australia AUD 9.99 $6.79 £5.59 20% cheaper $49,126 0.17% $53,800 0.15%
India INR 499 $7.05 £5.82 17% cheaper $1,820 4.65% $1,939 4.36%
Philippines PHP 370 $7.11 £5.86 16% cheaper $3,660 2.33% $2,988 2.86%
United Kingdom GBP 5.99 $7.27 £5.99 14% cheaper $43,732 0.20% $39,720 0.22%
Peru PEN 24.90 $7.36 £6.07 12% cheaper $5,970 1.48% $6,572 1.34%

The 10 cheapest places for standard plans

Country Cost Per Month – Standard (Local) Cost Per Month – Standard ($) Cost Per Month – Standard (£) Comparison to Average Average Person’s Wages Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to Average Person’s Income Country’s GDP per Capita Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to GDP per Capita
Colombia COP 24,900 $7.21 £5.95 43% cheaper $5,830 1.48% $6,301 1.37%
Brazil BRL 32.90 $8.32 £6.86 29% cheaper $8,850 1.13% $9,821 1.02%
Chile CPL 5,990 $8.41 £6.94 28% cheaper $25,879 0.39% $15,346 0.66%
Mexico MXN 169 $8.62 £7.12 25.5% cheaper $15,314 0.68% $8,902 1.16%
Philippines PHP 460 $8.84 £7.29 23% cheaper $3,660 2.90% $2,988 3.55%
India INR 649 $9.17 £7.57 19% cheaper $1,820 6.05% $1,939 5.68%
South Africa ZAR 139 $9.22 £7.60 18.9% cheaper $5,430 2.04% $6,161 1.80%
Vietnam VND 220,000 $9.48 £7.81 16% cheaper $2,170 5.24% $2,343 4.86%
Australia AUD 13.99 $9.50 £7.82 16% cheaper $49,126 0.23% $53,800 0.21%
Indonesia IDR 139,000 $9.77 £8.07 13% cheaper $3,540 3.31% $3,847 3.05%

The 10 cheapest places for premium plans

Country Cost Per Month – Premium (Local) Cost Per Month – Premium ($) Cost Per Month – Premium (£) Comparison to Average Average Person’s Wages Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to Average Person’s Income Country’s GDP per Capita Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to GDP per Capita
Colombia COP 32,900 $9.53 £7.87 39% cheaper $5,830 1.96% $6,301 1.81%
Philippines PHP 550 $10.57 £8.72 29% cheaper $3,660 3.47% $2,988 4.24%
Vietnam VND 260,000 $11.21 £9.23 23% cheaper $2,170 6.20% $2,343 5.74%
South Africa ZAR 169 $11.21 £9.24 23% cheaper $5,430 2.48% $6,161 2.18%
Chile CPL 7,990 $11.22 £9.26 23% cheaper $25,879 0.52% $15,346 0.88%
India INR 799 $11.29 £9.32 22% cheaper $1,820 7.44% $1,939 6.99%
Brazil BRL 45.90 $11.60 £9.57 20% cheaper $8,850 1.57% $9,821 1.42%
Mexico MXN 229 $11.68 £9.65 19% cheaper $15,314 0.92% $8,902 1.57%
Hong Kong HKD 93 $11.86 £9.80 18% cheaper $46,310 0.31% $46,194 0.31%
Indonesia IDR 169,000 $11.88 £9.81 17% cheaper $3,540 4.03% $3,847 3.71%

Netflix prices and exchange rates accurate at time of publishing. Due to currency fluctuations and ongoing volatility, Argentina, Turkey, and Pakistan have been excluded from these results.

Top 10 most expensive places to get Netflix

In contrast to the above, the most expensive monthly subscriptions for Netflix are found in the below areas, which, if you look closely, are primarily made up of Nordic countries and their neighbours.

According to these statistics, if you live in Switzerland, you’re paying 37, 43, or 45 % more than average for a basic, standard or premium plan, respectively. This is over 80 more per plan than Colombians.

The 10 most expensive places for basic plans

Country Cost Per Month – Basic (Local) Cost Per Month – Basic ($) Cost Per Month – Basic (£) Comparison to Average Average Person’s Wages Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to Average Person’s Income Country’s GDP per Capita Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to GDP per Capita
Switzerland CHF 11.90 $12.17 £10.04 37% more $62,283 0.23% $80,189 0.18%
Denmark DKK 79 $11.84 £9.79 35% more $51,466 0.28% $56,307 0.25%
Norway NOK 89 $9.95 £8.21 18% more $51,212 0.23% $75,504 0.16%
Israel NIS 32.90 $9.46 £7.82 12.5% more $35,076 0.32% $40,270 0.28%
Sweden SEK 89 $9.27 £7.65 10.5% more $42,393 0.26% $53,442 0.21%
Thailand THB 280 $9.10 £7.51 9% more $5,960 1.83% $6,594 1.66%
Costa Rica USD 8.99 $8.99 £7.42 7.5% more $11,040 0.98% $11,631 0.93%
Uruguay USD 8.99 $8.99 £7.42 7.5% more $22,524 0.48% $16,246 0.66%
United States USD 8.99 $8.99 £7.42 7.5% more $60,558 0.18% $59,532 0.18%
Portugal EUR 7.99 $8.94 £7.36 7% more $25,367 0.42% $21,136 0.51%

The 10 most expensive places for standard plans

Country Cost Per Month – Standard (Local) Cost Per Month – Standard ($) Cost Per Month – Standard (£) Comparison to Average Average Person’s Wages Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to Average Person’s Income Country’s GDP per Capita Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to GDP per Capita
Switzerland CHF 16.90 $17.29 £14.26 43% more $62,283 0.33% $80,189 0.26%
Denmark DKK 99 $14.84 £12.26 28% more $51,466 0.35% $56,307 0.32%
Israel NIS 46.90 $13.49 £11.14 19% more $35,076 0.46% $40,270 0.40%
Finland EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 18.5% more $42,964 0.37% $45,703 0.35%
Spain EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 18.5% more $38,507 0.42% $21,857 0.74%
Italy EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 18.5% more $36,658 0.44% $31,953 0.50%
Austria EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 18.5% more $50,349 0.32% $47,291 0.34%
France EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 18.5% more $43,755 0.37% $28,477 0.57%
Germany EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 18.5% more $47,585 0.34% $44,470 0.36%
Iceland EUR 11.99 $13.42 £11.05 18.5% more $66,504 0.24% $70,057 0.23%

The 10 most expensive places for premium plans

Country Cost Per Month – Premium (Local) Cost Per Month – Premium ($) Cost Per Month – Premium (£) Comparison to Average Average Person’s Wages Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to Average Person’s Income Country’s GDP per Capita Netflix Yearly Cost in Relation to GDP per Capita
Switzerland CHF 21.90 $22.40 £18.48 45% more $62,283 0.43% $80,189 0.34%
Denmark DKK 129 $19.33 £15.98 31% more $51,466 0.45% $56,307 0.41%
Finland EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $42,964 0.50% $45,703 0.47%
Spain EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $38,507 0.56% $21,857 0.98%
Italy EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $36,658 0.59% $31,953 0.67%
Austria EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $50,349 0.43% $47,291 0.45%
France EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $43,755 0.49% $28,477 0.75%
Germany EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $47,585 0.45% $44,470 0.48%
Iceland EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $66,504 0.32% $70,057 0.31%
Malta EUR 15.99 $17.90 £14.73 23% more $22,584 0.95% $26,946 0.80%

For more comparisons on the cost per month of Netflix in the countries with the highest user penetration, read our analysis which looks at current prices as well as all of the price increases since Netflix was launched.