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Website audit services

Website Audit Service || Zoo info Tech


SEO audit services begin with an overall analysis of your website to assess what action is needed to best optimize it for search engines Like Google, Being, Yahoo.

Based on this analysis, Zoo Info Tech offers recommendations for improving your website to boost your overall search engine rankings.

These recommendations may include, but are not limited to:

All services provide by zooinfotech which is a sister concern of zoo family.

we will use all of  Ahref & SemRush Paid Services. So you can take services from us easily anytime!


Website audit Package List





Duplicate content

 Duplicate content  Duplicate content

Broken links

Broken links Broken links
3 Similar title tags  Similar title tags Similar title tags

Duplicate meta descriptions

Duplicate meta descriptions Duplicate meta descriptions
5 Web copy editing Web copy editing Web copy editing
6 HTML validation HTML validation HTML validation
7 Browser and resolution compatibility Browser and resolution compatibility Browser and resolution compatibility
8 Page loading times Page loading times
 9                                ╳

Site statistics


Error pages

Price Price Price
799 999 1199