Life Style Info

Address hoppers | working remotely without fixed address

What is address hoppers?

TOKYO — A new drifting lifestyle is catching on among young people in Japan. Calling themselves “address hoppers,” their aim is to work while living place to place at their own pace.

If you’re working remotely without an office, you aren’t alone. After the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of workers turned a room or a nook of their home into a makeshift office. Even more interesting, remote work may become a normality of employment, creating a permanent necessity for a dedicated office space. Regardless of your current situation, you can still find ways to optimize any area of your home to masquerade as a dedicated office space. Here are some tips to get you started.

   working remotely without a fixed address

For some young Japanese people, their income isn’t steady enough to rent, prompting them to manoeuvre between 24-hour businesses like internet cafes. But Ichihashi says it isn’t about money. “The appeal of address hopping is you’ll attend new places and meet different people. The aim isn’t to scale back living costs.” He says travel and food bills also add up.

Address hopping was first coined about 3 years ago by a lover of Ichihashi’s. To propagate the thought, Ichihashi found out a media company introducing the concept’s lifestyle to more people. Since autumn 2018 he’s also held a variety of gatherings; usually, about 40 like-minded people meet and share their experiences.

Address hoppers are predominantly single people in their 20s or 30s, but programmer Susumu Seino, 30, and his wife are getting to start the travelling life in Japan and abroad together from February 2020. The couple, who just married last month, has long-term plans for the lifestyle. “In the longer term we’ll attempt to roll in the hay with our youngsters too,” he said.

Advances within the IT and repair industries have enabled address hopping. Formerly physical products like books and music are all digitized, weighing no quite the phone or tablet they’re stored on. Ways of working have changed too, with business meetings now regularly administered over the web and an increase within the number of individuals on top of things of their working schedule as freelance workers.

Most address hoppers register their parents’ home as their domicile. to seek out their next bed, they utilize the surfeit of short-term cheap accommodation catering to Japan’s rapidly increasing inbound tourist numbers.

アドレス ホッパー | Address hopper | アドレス ホッパー と は

デジタルノマド (digital nomad) とは、IT関連の仕事をして収入を得ながら長期で旅をするライフスタイルを実践している人の事。「ノマド(nomad)」の本来の意味は、家畜が餌を求めて移動するのに合わせて居住地を転々とする遊牧民の事を指します。


