Most of the hospitals in Chittagong have their own ambulance service to serve people in emergency moments. Besides, there are some private services who serve people in cheap price. A list of Chittagong Hospitals and their emergency ambulance services contact numbers are given below:
emergency ambulance
01.Alfa (Pvt) Service
Contract Number:-01819327070, 01819383636,
02.Alif Service
Contract Number:-031-657574, 01819-325060,
03.Centre Point Hospital Ltd.
Contract Number:-639025-7
04.Chittagong Health Care Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Number:-652728, 653965
05.Chittagong Metropolitan Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Number:-654732, 655791, 651242
06.Chittagong Poly Clinic Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Number:-650911, 656041
07.Dolphin Ambulance
Contract Number:-01819-396161
08.Holy Crescent Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Number:-616001-4
09.Media Medical Service
Contract Number:-031-656666, 01711-720000
10.Medical Centre
Contract Number:-651054, 651944
11.Niramoy Clinic Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Number:-653036, 653041, 653824
12.Panaroma Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Number:-619921, 613874, 630549
13.Provhati Service
Contract Number:-01815-648334, 01977850000
14.Surgiscope Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Number:-652038, 653882, 652721
15.Upasham Hospital Ltd.
Contract Number:-654051, 654230
16.Poil Hospital Sevice
Contract Number:- 031-502024, 505021-9
17.Railway Hospital
Contract Number:- 031-502220
18.Dead Body Carrier
Contract Number:- 031-650000
19.Fire Service
Contract Number:- 031-716326-7
20.General Hospital Service
Contract Number:- 031-619584
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